Wednesday, December 14, 2005 happy girl in her happy world :))
recapps time !!
monday - had lunch w my love at tpc before he went for work. meet ql after dat and we went for brownie session at my hse !! hahas. my first time baking stuff that are not instant one worx. hahas. was like enjoying life. watched cinderella story while baking. brownie ended up tasting smtg like cookie?? hahas.
tuesday - shopping spree day !! but there's this little incident that happened in the morning. met a flasher. its kindda sickening lar, but he's quite young so i nv realise till...... he unzip.... hahas. cos i was sitting at the void deck waiting for dickson mahx, den this guy weird weird keep looking at me, den came and ask for my phone no. and some stupid qn, i tot is just some normal guy like those on the street that always come and ask for phone no., how i know..... but of cos i scare lar, pick up my stuff and faster ran away. dat idiot somemore follow me. went to a place that hv more ppl ard and called dickson. arghx. why i always encounter such stuff?? but i'm not blaming you, its not ur fault k, so dun blame urself le. nx, we went to bugis area for lunch. let him tasted my brownie, and he like it. :D after lunch, went to national library. surfed net awhile on my ibook den went to rc. cos is staff purchase day so everything on 40%, even the new stocks. therefore i'm getting my cable knitted sweater that i reserved that time. first, we went polo jeans, and he gotten himself a pair of jeans. quite nice though. next to tommy hilfiger. hahas. they damn busy sia. and nick and phyllis went back to work dere. had a sudden feel that time had rewinded to the past. hahas. oh well, wendy psycho me to get this nice handbag. very cute sia. new one, whole s'pore only gt six pieces worx. after dat we went walk walk ard den go home.
today - went party world w ql !! but first, lunched w him at lucky plaza during his break. party world was fun... but funnier. hahas... i really beh tahan dat girl lohx. she even went to the extend to scare ppl that passes by the window. hah. and keep making me laugh like mad. ppl came into wrong room we also laugh like siao cha bo-s, make ppl so malu. hahas.
oh ya. my betula sandals arrived le. :)) so happy. den fri can get from ying...
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